Brain Exercise Initiative was first founded at UCLA by Esin Gumustekin. Esin found her passion for Alzheimer's Research through a research internship in San Diego and found that understanding and targeting mechanisms for novel therapeutics could lead to a better quality of life for a large population. In her search to better understand possible therapies, Esin uncovered the fascinating research being done by neuroscientist Dr. Ryuta Kawashima in Japan. He found that doing simple math and reading exercises for a mere 30 minutes each day for 5 days a week led to improvements in cognitive function as tested by Mini Mental State Examinations (MMSE) and Frontal Assessment Batteries (FAB). Not only did nursing home residents have improved cognition, but they were happier due to the physicial and emotional bonding provided by intergenerational service. Esin developed exercise packets and involved students in her university to grow this cause. Several retirement homes have integrated her program into their center and chapters are currently being founded at different universities.